Yesterday was the Mayfaire. It's this big event put on by the Waldorf school my five year old daughter Frances goes to. The previous 2 years it was organized by the head teacher and one main other parent (on whose property it took place), and last year I signed on as general coordinator. I was a lovely affair. There were maypoles and ribbons and singing and dancing about them; musicians; games; face painting; a puppet play; a may king and queen; raffle; jump rope maker; potluck; a performance by Morris dancers; as well as rain and a gigantic puddle, which was the hit of the day. This year there was no rain and puddle. In fact, the weather was so amazing I almost wonder if that's why it came together so nicely.
So this year: I volunteered to coordinate again since I'd done it before. However, it needed to be entirely parent-run if it was going to happen. I called a meeting of parents to see if there was enough interest to go forward, and two - TWO - people came. Thank the earth for them. We decided to cut back so it wouldn't be quite so much to do. Out went the raffle, the puppet play, the jump rope maker. The Morris dancers weren't available. In the end I could only find a queen (one of my younger babysitters), but she reigned quite well alone.
Organizing this thing has been making me crazy. (and is one of the reasons I haven't been here on the blog at all.) I've been completely attached to my phone - fielding texts and emails and voice mails. As the coordinator, my main tasks were to bully and cajole and track down; to put out fires and grovel and wonder if I should cancel. This past Thursday the teacher - who was going to act as general MC and lead the singing and dancing - hobbled over to the doctor to be told she had a bronchitis PLUS a sinus infection PLUS an ear infection in BOTH ears. I almost hyperventilated.
BUT! It was so wonderful! It all (somehow) just came together. YAY!
Today I woke up tired. I feel like I haven't slept in a week, which I have. I knew I was stressed about it, and I knew it was taking up a (very) large portion of my waking hours, but I didn't see the tiredness coming. Relief. I knew there'd be relief, and there certainly is.
This is Frances's last year at the school, but Clark will start there in the fall, so (sort of) by default I'll be doing it again next year. Oh my. Hopefully I've got it down now. And hopefully I will believe that his can come together without so much damn stress.
Organizing this thing has been making me crazy. (and is one of the reasons I haven't been here on the blog at all.) I've been completely attached to my phone - fielding texts and emails and voice mails. As the coordinator, my main tasks were to bully and cajole and track down; to put out fires and grovel and wonder if I should cancel. This past Thursday the teacher - who was going to act as general MC and lead the singing and dancing - hobbled over to the doctor to be told she had a bronchitis PLUS a sinus infection PLUS an ear infection in BOTH ears. I almost hyperventilated.
BUT! It was so wonderful! It all (somehow) just came together. YAY!
Today I woke up tired. I feel like I haven't slept in a week, which I have. I knew I was stressed about it, and I knew it was taking up a (very) large portion of my waking hours, but I didn't see the tiredness coming. Relief. I knew there'd be relief, and there certainly is.
This is Frances's last year at the school, but Clark will start there in the fall, so (sort of) by default I'll be doing it again next year. Oh my. Hopefully I've got it down now. And hopefully I will believe that his can come together without so much damn stress.